PURIFIED WATER SYSTEM       SPECIFICATION AS PER IP 1. Description: Clear, Colourless,        Odourless & Tasteless liquid. 2. pH: 5-7 3. Conductivity: NMT 1.0 micro        siemens/cm 4. TBC: NMT 100 cfu/ml 5. TFC: NMT 10 cru/ml     

             WATER PURIFICATION STEP 1: Borewell  STEP 2: NaOCl Dosing STEP 3: MGF  STEP 4: Softner STEP 5: Cartridge filter (50 micron) STEP 6: Ultrafiltration (0.001) STEP 7: NaOH Dosing STEP 8: Sod. Hexametaphosphaate STEP 9: Sod. Metabisulphite STEP 10: Double RO STEP 11: EDI STEP 12: UV


STEP 1: URS STEP 2: DQ STEP 3: FAT STEP 4: SAT STEP 5: IQ STEP 6: OQ STEP 7: PQP STEP 8: PQR STEP 9: Alert & Action STEP 10: Continuous Monitoring

             STAGES DEFINITIONS URS: List of all requirements of buyer regarding the equipment to be purchased. DQ: Document verification that proposed design of the equipment is suitable for intended purpose. IQ: The equipment & components are as per specification and installed as per the approved design. OQ: The equipment operates in accordance with URS & designed specification. PQ: Phase I (Short term) 14 wk        Phase II (Intermediate) 14 wk        Phase III (Long term) 52 wk Alert & Action limit Continuous monitoring

                      INSTALLATION CHECKS 1. Orbital Welding  2. Slope Verification 3. Boroscopy 4. Hydrotest 5. Dead Leg Verification 6. Passivation