Fluid Bed Dryer

Principle: FBD works on the fluidization principle. A high-pressure Hot air from the supply is passed through the perforated container containing wet granules. As the hot air passes through container granules start to suspend in the air to become dry (called a fluidized state), the process is called fluidization. Critical Process Parameter (CPP): Air Drying/Inlet temperature/Outlet Temperature/Bed Temperature/Drying Time/FBD bag Integrity (Before & After use)/FBD Bowl's Sieve Integrity (Before & After use).

CPP Acceptance Criteria: Time in minutes/In degree centigrade/Moisture content/FBD bag should be integral/FBD Bowl Sieve Integrity should be integral. Critical Quality Attributes(CQA): Uniform size of Granules/Moisture Content CQA Acceptance Criteria: 2-3% w/w (by Digital Moisture Analyser at 105 degree centigrade)