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Dry powders for oral suspension are powder mixtures that require the addition of water (reconstitution) at the time of dispensing and are mostly for paediatric use. These are called dry syrups or reconstitutable oral suspensions.

  1. IQ for Automatic Rotary Vacuumetric Dry Syrup Filling with ROPP Capping Machine
  2. OQ for Automatic Rotary Vacuumetric Dry Syrup Filling with ROPP Capping Machine
  3. IQ for Automatic Airjet Bottle Cleaning Machine
  4. OQ Automatic Airjet Bottle Cleaning Machine
  5. IQ for Induction Sealing Machine
  6. OQ for Induction Sealing Machine
  7. IQ for Automatic Cup Placement
  8. OQ for Automatic Cup Placement
  9. IQ for Automatic Vertical Round Bottle Sticker Labelling Machine
  10. OQ for Automatic Vertical Round Bottle Sticker Labelling Machine

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