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  1. GTP for Identification of Isolate Microorganism
  2. GTP for Limit Test for Salmonella species and Escherichia Coli
  3. GTP for Limit Test for Staphylococcus Aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  4. GTP for Limit Test for Total Combined Molds & Yeasts count
  5. GTP for Microbiological Analysis of Monitoring of Drain
  6. GTP for Microbiological Analysis of Water
  7. GTP for Microbiological Assay of Antibiotic
  8. GTP for Microbiological Vitamin B12 assay
  9. GTP for Test for Salmonella species Ph.Eur.
  10. GTP for Total Aerobic Microbial count

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