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Chemical SOP
Microbiology SOP
Warehouse SOP
Manufacturing SOP
Information technology SOP
  1. SOP for Operation and Calibration of Analytical Balances
  2. SOP for Organization of Documents
  3. SOP for Organization and Handling of Laboratory Chemicals
  4. SOP for Operation Procedure for Magnetic Stirrer
  5. SOP for Operation, performance verification of  Alliance waters PDA HPLC’s and RI Detector with Millenium-32 Software
  6. SOP for Operation and Calibration Procedure for Hanson Dissolution Apparatus with Dissoette II
  7. SOP for Calibration of Volumetric Flasks, Burettes, Bulb Pipettes, Graduated Pipettes and measuring Cylinders and Glass Syringes
  8. SOP for Operation, performance verfication of  Water’s allinace HPLC’s with 2487Dual λ absorbance detector with Millenium-32 Software
  9. SOP for Operation and Calibration Procedure For Differential Scanning Colorimeter, (Mettler, Tc-15) 32DSC-01
  10. SOP for Operation of Rotary Shaker (Orbitek : 32ROT-07 )
  11. SOP for Preparation, Review and Approval of Specifications and Analytical Methods
  12. Receipt and Reporting of results of FR&D samples and numbering system of Analytical Report Number
  13. Receipt, Issue and Control of HPLC and GC columns in Analytical R& D
  14. Allotment of Lot numbers to Volumetric solutions, buffer solutions, test solutions, HPLC mobile phases and Primary Standards
  15. Cleaning of Dissolution Apparatus
  16. Operation and Calibration of “Orion pH Meter 420” A+
  17. Log Book Entries for usage of HPLC
  18. Operation of Cintex Digital Hot Plate
  19. Operation, Standardisation and Performance Verification of Karl Fischer Autotitrator Model : 784 KFT TITRINO, and 703Ti Stand unit with TiNet 2.5
  20. Operation and Calibration of “Metrohm  pH Meter 691”
  21. Qualification of Analysts for Analytical Techniques
  22. Preparation Of Standard Buffer Solutions For Calibration Of pH Meter
  23. Operation and Calibration procedure for GC system and Head Space (HP 6890 & HP 7694) (32GCH-01)
  24. Operation and Calibration Procedure for Sonicator
  25. Establishing alternative equivalent HPLC Column
  26. Operation and calibration of Remi Centrifuge
  27. Operation And Calibration Of Essae Balance (6.0 Kg Balance)
  28. Operation and calibration of Spinwin Micro Centrifuge
  29. Operating And Calibration Procedure For VK7000 Dissolution Apparatus With VK8000 Auto Sampler (32DIS-03)
  30. Operation and Calibration Procedure for Centrifuge Make: Hermle Z 323
  31. Operation and calibration of Lab India dissolution tester Model DISSO-2000 with sample collector  model SC-2000
  32. Numbering of Registers and Files
  33. Operation of Milli-Q Gradient water purification system with Elix 10
  34. Operation and Calibration of HR-83P Halogen Moisture Analyzer (Mettler Toledo)
  35. Operating and Calibration procedure for Analytical Balance (Mettler AG245 & 285)
  36. Preparation of HPLC Mobile Phase
  37. Operating Procedure For Cyclo-Mixer ( Make : Remi)
  38. Operation and Calibration of Pharmatest Hardness Tester (32HAR-03)
  39. Documentation and reporting of results of Analytical method validation
  40. Operating and calibration procedure for HPLC system (32HPL-06)
  41. Operation and calibration of Melting point appratus, Model FP 90
  42. Operation and Calibration of Analytical Balances
  43. Bracketing Standards during Content Uniformity, Assay, Dissolution, Related Substances and residual solvents by GC

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