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  1. Ansel,s Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery System, Allen, LV
  2. Aulton_s Pharmaceutics The Design and Manufacture of Medicines
  3. BASF – Generic Drug Formulations
  4. Bhatt, Agrawal – Capsules
  5. Cooper and Gunn_s Tutorial Pharmacy, Carter, SJ
  6. David Jones – Pharmaceutics Dosage Form and Design
  7. Integrated Pharmaceutics – Antoine Al-Achi, Mali Ram Gupta, William Craig Stagner – Applied Preformulation, Product Design, and Regulatory Science
  8. Lachman _ Liberman – Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy
  9. Martindale – The Complete Drug Reference 36th Ed
  10. Modern Pharmaceutics by Gilbert S. Banker _ C.T. Rhodes
  11. Nita K. Pandit – Introduction to the Pharmaceutical Sciences
  12. Perrie _ Rades Pharmaceutics Drug Delivery and Targeting, By Yvonne Perrie, Thomas Rades
  13. Remington Essentials of Pharmaceutics, By Linda Ed Felton
  14. Remington Vol-1 The Science _ Practice of Pharmacy
  15. Remington Vol-2 The Science _ Practice of Pharmacy
  16. Shayne Cox – Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
  17. Shelley Fox – Pharmaceutics
  18. Swarbrick – Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology
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