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An “API Starting Material” is a raw material, intermediate, or an API that is used in the production of an API and that is incorporated as a significant structural fragment into the structure of the API. API Starting Materials normally have defined chemical properties and structure. API Qualifications in pharma is usually carried out by conducting the following activities, individually or combined:

  1. Performance Qualification Protocol for Double Cone Blender
  2. Performance Qualification Report for Double Cone Blender
  3. Performance Qualification Protocol for Multimill
  4. Performance Qualification Report for Multimill
  5. Performance Qualification Protocol for Vacuum Tray Dryer
  6. Performance Qualification Report for Vacuum Tray Dryer
  7. Performance Qualification Protocol for Stainless Steel Reactor
  8. Performance Qualification Report for Stainless Steel Reactor
  9. Performance Qualification Protocol for Sparkler Filter
  10. Performance Qualification Report for Sparkler Filter
  11. Performance Qualification Protocol for Nutsche Filter
  12. Performance Qualification Report for Nutsche Filter

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